Job moderation policy

Professionals expect the best from us. This is why we manually review all job postings in Get on Board to ensure that only quality jobs are posted. We reserve the right to reject, request changes, or suspend the publication of job offers, even if previously approved.

This is the criteria we check for. Making sure your job meets them will enhance your chances of success while using Get on Board:

🏢 Describe clearly your company and the work environment

Professionals want to know what it's like to work in your company: the industry or business it's in, the work environment, location, etc. The more you elaborate, the better. Applicants don't necessarily know your company or have references about you, so things your team might take for granted (such as culture or work environment) need to be explicitly communicated so candidates can get a better idea of the job.

🔧 Describe job functions, not just qualifications

Candidates will want to know what they will be doing when they work in this position. What team(s) would they be part of? Who will their teammates be? What projects would be assigned to them? What will be the specific responsibilities and functions? How will their performance be measured?

Again, just listing skills or experience is not enough, even though some of them might relate to some job functions. As a rule of thumb, be explicit and include as much detail as possible.

🐣 Job functions must match the seniority level specified

Seniority levels (No experience, Junior, Semi-Senior, Senior, and Expert) describe different professional evolution stages. These definitions are relevant since they imply functions, requirements, and compensation that are greatly different. In particular, make sure job functions are according to what a person of that seniority level can do (for instance, it is not acceptable to require a Junior role to lead a team).

Check out our seniority levels policy to get advice and orientation on the most appropriate level for the position you are looking for.

📝 Mind formatting, spelling, and grammar

Take care to craft a job ad with friendly, respectful, and professional language.

Make everything look good. If you paste text from Word or some other document, adjust the format and use the preview. Avoid ABUSING CAPS. Check the right spelling and casing for technology names.

Now, with Superpower AI by Get on Board ✨ you have quality job ads, instantly. No more spending hours formatting a job. Paste your job description (or a short prompt) from any source and Superpower will magically format it for you, creating a complete, original job ad inspired in your company.

✅ What you demand must match the position

Make sure the qualifications, functions, and experience you are listing match the role you specify in the job title.

Getting the job title right is key, as it appeals to existing candidates' expectations for the role based on what's generally accepted in the market. As a recruiter, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with those expectations and to post a job that matches them.

☝️ Specify only one position and seniority level per ad

Much of Get on Board's power resides in helping you match your job with professionals, based on categories, requirements, and salary offered. Offering several positions in one ad makes this matching impossible. Make sure each ad corresponds to a specific position.. This is also true for jobs that might be very similar, but have different seniority levels.

📐 Keep demands and expectations in check

Regarding skills and experience, make sure that the distinction between nice-to-haves and must-haves is crystal clear. It's tempting to make a long list of technologies, but asking for too much will make your job look bad to candidates. And if you ask for more, offer more in return.

We will not accept ads that discriminate arbitrarily based on gender, race, nationality, age, or other conditions.

Also, we will not accept job listings that specify countries, schools, or workplaces as mandatory. Get on Board is a platform open to anyone, from anywhere, who meets the requirements for a job.

📇 If you are recruiting on behalf of someone else, you must disclose the final workplace

All job ads must identify the workplace where the professional will work, which might not correspond to the company publishing the job offer. If you are recruiting on behalf of a client, you must name the company (describing it or specifying the industry is not enough). It is important to mention that in the 'introduce your company' field, you must describe the company in which the applicant will be working.

If you are giving staffing or outsourcing services to a client (where your company is doing the hiring but the actual workplace is another company), you should indicate the company where the applicant is going to work as well.

Job ads that do not comply with this requirement will not be published.

Also, consulting firms should explicitly mention if the people hired will work on specific projects, as well as clearly indicate what it means to work on projects (will they work in the client's office, will they work in the consulting firm's office to develop projects for clients?) Along with this, they should mention their current clients, so that professionals are clear about where they might be expected to work.

If the company wishes to post jobs confidentially, it can do so with a subscription plan.

🏳️‍🌈 Use gender-neutral, inclusive language

Get on Board wants tech talent of any gender to feel at home. Double-check your copy so the gender of the applicant is never assumed.

😇 Play by the rules

We go to great lengths to ensure Get on Board only offers quality jobs. We won't tolerate any spamming or email, or contact harvesting.

If we request changes to your ad, please do your best to comply. Don't submit the ad back without changes. We check manually every single job.

Misrepresenting the actual job conditions, salary, or final employer will not be tolerated.

Also, remember that jobs in Get on Board only get applicants directly through our platform. Avoid including contact info or links to external application forms.

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