
Insights, trends and opinion on recruiting, HR and remote work. Brought to you by Get on Board.

AwesomeCompanies, episodio 5: Laboratoria

By AwesomeCompanies es una sección del blog de Get on Board donde mostramos cómo trabajan y viven empresas tecnológicas... Read more

Alternatives to LinkedIn to recruit in Latin America: the definitive guide

For your technological talent hiring needs in Latin America, you have many alternatives to LinkedIn.
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Why you shouldn't use Notion, Airtable or Google Docs for hiring

Discover why Notion, Airtable and Google Docs fall short for startup recruitment and how Get on Board's platform offers a cost-effective, specialized solution.
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What are screening calls?

Learn how to conduct effective screening calls for tech recruitment, avoid pitfalls, and utilize innovative tools for optimal outcomes.
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What is async work and how does it empower global teams?

Explore async work's benefits and tools for effective team collaboration across time zones. Learn best practices to foster a positive async culture.
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Is quiet quitting hurting your team?

Explore the hidden facets of quiet quitting. Learn how recruitment strategies and perks can enhance cultural fit and reduce employee disengagement.
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Cybersecurity: Should you hire your own experts or rely on consultants?

Explore when to recruit in-house cybersecurity experts vs. hiring external consultants. Dive into cost, expertise, and response speed to make informed decisions.
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How to find top Python talent in Latin America

Discover key skills for Python roles in Data Science and Web Development. Navigate challenges and opportunities in hiring Latin America's diverse IT talent.
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When should startups hire C-level execs for growth?

Timing a C-level hire is crucial for startup growth. Learn key indicators and strategic impacts to make informed decisions with Get on Board.
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How AI shapes tech roles: From disruption to opportunity

Explore how AI reshapes tech roles by transforming disruption into opportunity, focusing on creativity over mundane tasks, while balancing job dynamics.
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Pros and cons of LinkedIn for recruiting in Latin America

Check out this guide to orient yourself on the best recruitment scenarios on LinkedIn, and where platforms like Get on Board can help you better.
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Tendencias del Q2 2024, exclusivas de Get on Board

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Crafting a winning employer brand beyond certifications

Elevate your employer brand with strategies that cultivate satisfaction and retention, fostering a holistic workplace culture.
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Agile HR: the revolution you've been waiting for

Discover how Agile methodologies can transform HR, enhancing collaboration and workplace culture in tech environments.
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Is the CTO key to successful hiring strategies?

Discover why CTO involvement in hiring bridges HR and tech, enhancing diversity and transparency in recruitment for startups and global tech firms.
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The dilemma of hiring AI experts vs. prompt engineers

Navigating the talent landscape: Should you hire an AI expert or a prompt engineer? Discover the nuances!
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Should we use chatbots when recruiting?

Exploring how to harmonize AI automation with the essential human touch in recruitment.
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Get out exclusive Latam salary and job market trends (Q1 2024)

Get on Board presents you with the latest trends in the IT job market in Latin America.
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Rethinking perks to embrace what tech professionals really value

Explore how flexible work benefits and meaningful perks are reshaping tech recruitment in Latin America.
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Hire tech talent in Latin America: what you need to know

Finding great IT talent in Latin America quickly is not only possible, but easy. In this guide, we will review key insights and data to hire successfully.
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Can hiring for diversity actually work? Spoiler alert: yes!

Diversity in hiring isn't just a checkbox—it's a strategy. Discover actionable insights and where to find talent that fits.
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Top 10 empresas que están contratando remoto en Latinoamérica (2024)

Empresas que contratan remoto (2024) y que puedes encontrar en Get on Board 😉). Te invitamos a seguirlas para enterarte de sus empleos apenas los publiquen.
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Insights 2023: cómo se está moviendo el mercado laboral tecnológico en Latam

En la última edición del AwesomeFest 2023, nuestro CEO Sergio Nouvel, compartió datos exclusivos recopilados por Get on Board sobre el mercado laboral e...
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Recruiting tech sales teams without headaches

Tech sales recruitment is unique. Discover the roles, processes, and insights to hire top talent in this competitive field.
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Scorecards: the unsung heroes of fair candidate evaluation

Explore how scorecards revolutionize IT recruitment by ensuring fairness, transparency, and effective candidate evaluation.
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The remote work superpower nobody saw coming

In the hybrid work debate, fully remote companies are winning the talent war. Explore how this trend reshapes recruitment strategies in 2023.
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Why annual salary reviews are obsolete in IT

Discover why annual salary updates aren't cutting it anymore in the fast-paced world of IT.
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5 Habilidades Tecnológicas Más Demandadas en 2023 para Cargos Dev y No-Dev

Cuáles son las 5 habilidades tecnológicas más demandadas en 2023 y cómo pueden aplicarse para mejorar el desempeño laboral en diferentes campos.
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Avoiding biases and promoting accessibility in tech recruiting

In the field of technological recruitment, it's increasingly important to promote diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for applicants. To achieve this, it's essential to recognize and...
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Cómo utilizar tu ATS para optimizar tu proceso de reclutamiento

¿Estás luchando con un sinnúmero de apps para llevar tus procesos? Actualízate con un ATS que te permita llevar tu ...
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No le delegues tu reclutamiento a una AI (si quieres hacerlo bien)

Te traerá problemas, incluso cuando funciona
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Curso de reclutamiento tecnológico | Sesión 5: Selección y entrevistas

¿Cómo filtrar a los candidatos de manera de lograr un proceso eficiente, efectivo e inclusivo?
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¿Qué hace un Data Scientist y cómo convertirte en uno?

En la era digital, los datos se han convertido en uno de los recursos más valiosos del mundo. Las empresas utilizan los datos para tomar decisiones informadas, impulsar la innovación y manteners...
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Curso de reclutamiento tecnológico | 4: Proceso de reclutamiento, profiling y agilidad

Entender el reclutamiento como un servicio o producto nos acerca a una mejor experiencia de quienes postulan y a mejorar el éxito de nuestros procesos de forma progresiva.
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Curso de reclutamiento tecnológico | Sesión 3: Dinámicas de equipos de desarrollo

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Curso de reclutamiento tecnológico | 2: Roles tecnológicos complementarios

Hoy hablaremos de roles no (tan) relacionados con programación que complementan el funcionamiento de una empresa de tecnología.
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Top 10 empresas que están contratando remoto en Latinoamérica en 2023

Si estás buscando un trabajo remoto que te permita trabajar desde donde tú más quieras, no dejes de seguir a estas empresas en Get on Board. 
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¿Cómo mejorar el posicionamiento de tu perfil en Get on Board?

Es importante que los profesionales sepamos presentar nuestras habilidades y experiencia de forma que lleguen claramente a quienes las buscan. 
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Performance optimization adventures with New Relic and PostgreSQL

An overlook of the process you can go through to try and optimize backend endpoints for your application and how to decide what to optimize.
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Cómo evitar introducir errores aleatorios en specs ruby que esperan el envío de un mail.

¿Tus specs funcionaban perfecto...hasta que comenzaron a fallar aleatoriamente? A quién no le ha pasado. Acá te contamos como evitarlo.
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Así fue nuestro 2022 en Get on Board

El 2022 para Get on Board fue un año de muchas ideas, desarrollos y trabajo de todo el equipo, que nos permitió construir y lanzar muchas cosas
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