At AmigoCloud, we are used to working in different time-zones, countries, and languages. To that end, we require that everyone be fluent in written and spoken English. It is the language we use for meeting, our documentation in, and our comments in the source code. Furthermore, as a geographically distributed team, we use technology to stay connected to each other. Having fast internet access, showing up for daily team conference calls, being available on instant messenger during business hours, keeping calendars up to date, and informing people when you will be out of the office are all basic communication skills that every employee needs.
Being smart
For us, it means never settling for what you know. We expect all of our developers to learn on the job and continually develop their skills. Having the ability to learn quickly to find innovative ways to solve problems is par-for-the-course when working at AmigoCloud. We don't expect people to know everything, but we do expect people to work hard to keep learning.
Getting things done
It doesn't matter how smart you are or how well you communicate if you don't get things done. Getting things done and taking pride in what you do is essential in working together as a team. No one wants to have a weak link on their team. If you can't follow through and take responsibility for your work, then other strengths don't matter. Everyone is working hard to build a product to help our clients do their jobs and, in the end, the software must ship.
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