Mercury Hackathon 2021

The Mercury Hackathon 2021 is a 6-week virtual blockchain hackathon that is brought to you by Filecoin, IPFS & Flow, and hosted by AngelHack and Tribe. It aims to bring together some of the most talented creators around the world to innovate and redefine
With up to USD ~$120,000 worth of FIL & FLOW tokens to be given out across 14 prize categories, participants can choose to build and develop projects spanning NFTs and decentralized storage services. We believe that your strong influence and impact is instrumental in helping to make this hackathon a success to help empower hackers, entrepreneurs, designers, or any individual alike to bring their projects to life. Blurb: We are happy to announce that we are partnering with Angelhack as community partners for this incredible event. Join us for a 6-week virtual blockchain hackathon that brings together some of the most talented creators around the world to innovate and redefine boundaries. 🏆 Up to USD $120,000 worth of prizes in FIL & FLOW tokens 🌏 Open to developers, entrepreneurs, and designers alike 🗓️ 20 September - 31 October 2021 Ready to create the next big thing?
Event date
Event schedule
Event location
This is a remote event.
Get on Board does not organize this event. The event organizers are responsible for the information listed here and is subject to change. Check out the event website for up-to-date info.