UXtreme Make Over
El próximo jueves 27 de mayo nos juntaremos a conversar sobre UX/UI, junto a Adriana Dillarza, UX Desinger Lead en Rappi 🇲🇽 y Esmeralda Perez, Product Designer en Nubank 🇲🇽. Auspician: BCI, Comunidad Feliz y Entel Ocean.
El próximo jueves 27 de mayo nos juntaremos a conversar sobre UX/UI, junto a Adriana Dillarza, UX Desinger Lead en Rappi 🇲🇽 y Esmeralda Perez, Product Designer en Nubank 🇲🇽. Auspician: BCI, Comunidad Feliz y Entel Ocean.
Event date
This event has finished.
Event schedule
Event location
This is a remote event.
Get on Board does not organize this event. The event organizers are responsible for the information listed here and is subject to change. Check out the event website for up-to-date info.