On Get on Board, every company has a "Work with us" page, instantly, free, and easily customizable. This page contains your company profile (logo, description, website, and other information), and all the active jobs you have on Get on Board.
We have taken great care in the design, so that your brand takes the leading role and, at the same time, offers visual cleanliness and content orientation.Â
👉  Read more: What are the advantages of using the Get on Board company page?

Your company page is the most important place to communicate your employer brand on Get on Board. Following the simple tips below will allow you to get the most out of it.
Suggestions to improve your careers page
- Customize the page with your brand color. Your brand color will be visible on your company page and on all the jobs you post on Get on Board, as well as on the ads where you hire Boost.Â
- Upload a background image. The background image gives great enhancement to your page and allows you to impregnate it with your brand. For example, you can upload a picture of your computer, your workplace, or some visual branding element (such as a texture).
- Change the header layout. You can use the background image at the side of the text or behind it, covering the whole header. You can use a white background and use your brand color as an emphasis, or have a colored header for maximum impact.
- Â Include a YouTube video. You can embed a YouTube video directly into your page to display employer-branded content about your company, culture, work environment, benefits, or interviews with people on your team.
- Write a longer description. By default, we only ask for a short description from each company that signs up to Get on Board; but there is an additional field with a longer description where you can add text formatting such as links, lists, or bold. Explaining more about your projects, workplace or team culture is hugely effective in attracting applicants.
- Customize the title. By default, this page is titled "Work at <Company>". You can modify it to have a more personalized title, like your company's slogan.
Where is all this information edited?
Only the administrators of a company account can modify this information. If you have administrator permissions, go to the menu with your username (on the desktop it is in the upper right corner), and select "Customize your careers page."