(Reading time: 4 min)
Every job on Get on Board is manually reviewed by our editorial team for its approval and moderation. Typically, most announcements are published within 1 to 3 hours after being submitted.
However, since it is a human revision, there are many factors that may affect our response time, which can be greater in the following cases: Â
- You have submitted your job during the night time or on weekends/holidays. Since the review occurs during office hours, submitting an announcement out of these hours (for example, on a Friday night) it will have to be reviewed and approved during the morning of the next business day.Â
- The format, writing, and spelling of your ad. If your ad is impeccably written we can approve it much faster. Ads with writing and spelling problems have to be corrected by our team most of the time, which increases the times for approval. Â
- How well your ad meets our quality criteria. When a job meets with everything that is necessary, approval is much faster. When we have doubts regarding the quality or clarity of the content of the job, we usually discuss the ad internally to reach to an editorial decision, which takes much longer. For this reason, writing an ad in a hurry to have it published as soon as possible can be counterproductive; it will take us longer to approve it.Â
- The number of ads you send at the same time. If you are posting jobs in bulks, we will need more time to check and provide an answer for them.
- Unusual or new positions. If you are publishing a job that is out of the ordinary, it is possible that we will need to check the ad with our tech expert team, which will take a little longer. Â
We really appreciate the patience and the comprehension when submitting ads to publication on Get on Board. Our mission is to ensure the quality of every job, which benefits directly the recruiting companies.Â