Confidential and exclusive for Get on Board
Full-Stack Developer, Junior
Salary ranges the market is responding to
- To retain professionals with this profile currently working at your company.
- As the minimum value of the salary range in jobs.
- To offer to active candidates (people sending their applications to you).
- To attract pasive candidates (professionals currently working somewhere else and not actively applying to your position).
- To retain talent currently in your team that is receiving a competing offer.
- To publish openings that are time-sensitive.
Salary recommendations by country
Country | Retention value | Acquisition value |
Chile | $1,037 USD | $1,572 USD |
Colombia | $925 USD | $1,392 USD |
Mexico | $940 USD | $1,411 USD |
Ecuador | $820 USD | $1,212 USD |
Peru | $727 USD | $1,089 USD |
Argentina | $406 USD | $607 USD |
Salary benchmarks per industry - From October 1 to December 31
Industry | Median lower range | Difference (lower range) | Median upper range | Difference (upper range) |
Financial Services | $2,100 USD | 110 % | $2,500 USD | 67 % |
Manufacturing | $2,000 USD | 100 % | $2,300 USD | 53 % |
Professional Services | $1,000 USD | 0 % | $1,400 USD | -7 % |
Retail | $1,200 USD | 20 % | $1,900 USD | 27 % |
Technology, Information and Media | $1,000 USD | 0 % | $1,700 USD | 13 % |
Salaries by organization size - From October 1 to December 31
Headcount | Median lower range | Difference (lower range) | Median upper range | Difference (upper range) |
2 - 10 | $850 USD | -15 % | $1,250 USD | -17 % |
11 - 50 | $1,350 USD | 35 % | $1,950 USD | 30 % |
51 - 200 | $1,000 USD | 0 % | $1,400 USD | -7 % |
201 - 500 | $1,600 USD | 60 % | $2,200 USD | 47 % |
501 - 1000 | $2,100 USD | 110 % | $2,500 USD | 67 % |
1001 - 5000 | $2,000 USD | 100 % | $2,300 USD | 53 % |
Remote modalities offered - From October 1 to December 31
➗ Hybrid (38%)
This job takes place some days remotely and others in the office.
📍 Locally remote only (25%)
Position is 100% remote, but candidates must reside in a specific country/region.
🌎 Fully remote (38%)
Candidates can reside anywhere in the world.
Salary by required language
Required lang | Retention value | Acquisition value | Salary expectations median |
English required | $1,700 USD | $2,500 USD | $1,100 USD |
No language required | $1,000 USD | $1,400 USD | $1,000 USD |
Difference (English vs none) | 70 % | 79 % | 10 % |
Skills most requested by employers
JavaScript | 100% |
Node.js | 100% |
Back-end | 100% |
Front-end | 79% |
AngularJS | 67% |
Angular | 58% |
React | 50% |
Git | 42% |
English | 33% |
Agile | 29% |
CSS | 29% |
Express | 29% |
HTML5 | 25% |
TypeScript | 25% |
MySQL | 21% |
Cloud | 17% |
Ruby on Rails | 17% |
Redux | 17% |
Java | 17% |
Cloud Computing | 17% |
Linux | 17% |
SQL | 17% |
Virtualization | 17% |
Amazon Web Services | 17% |
Vue.js | 17% |
NestJS | 17% |
Docker | 13% |
Azure | 13% |
Google Cloud Platform | 13% |
Saga | 13% |
API | 13% |
DevOps | 13% |
Ruby | 13% |
Python | 13% |
PHP | 13% |
Skills appearing most frequently in this chart will be considered "must-have" by professionals, while those appearing less frequently will be seen as "nice-to-have". If your position requires skills or technologies not appearing in this chart at all, keep in mind that the qualified candidate pool could be severely reduced.
Most frequently offered perks
The 5 most frequent perks | |
1. Informal dress code | 75% |
2. Flexible hours | 58% |
3. Computer provided | 54% |
4. Fully remote | 38% |
5. Health coverage | 38% |
These perks affect candidate expectations for this position. Benefits appearing most frequently will be seen by candidates as essential and less negotiable.
Salary distribution in the last quarters
Salary distribution - Market
Measurement | Amount |
Average salary (max and min) | $1,440 USD |
Salary median | $1,400 USD |
Standard deviation (lower range) | $503 USD |
Standard deviation (upper range) | $659 USD |
Measurement | Amount |
Average lower range | $1,214 USD |
Average upper range | $1,667 USD |
Min salary | $400 USD |
Max salary | $3,000 USD |
Salary distribution - Expectations
Measurement | Amount |
Average expectations median | $1,067 USD |
Min expectations | $500 USD |
Max expectations | $1,500 USD |
Measurement | Amount |
Standard deviation | $262 USD |
Absolute expectation median | $1,000 USD |
Evolution of salary expectations for the position in the last quarters
Quarter | Expectancy median |
2023-Q3 | $500 USD |
2023-Q4 | $850 USD |
2024-Q1 | $1,100 USD |
This chart shows how salary expectations of qualified candidates (this is, excluding unfit and lower-seniority candidates) has evolved in the last quarters.
Expectations vs offered salaries - last quarters
How this Insights Pro report was built
Get on Board's unique visibility into hiring processes, candidate performance, and results allows us to clearly identify the jobs that have been truly successful and to which the market is responding. Out of thousands of jobs posted on Get on Board, we extract processes that have hired successfully during the period or that have received a substantial number of qualified candidates.
Extracting qualified candidates allows us to obtain salary expectations that are not distorted by candidates of a lower seniority. We filter by analyzing each candidate's application history on Get on Board, observing their interests and performance in hiring processes across many different companies.
Our experts analyze the datasets from Get on Board to verify, clean, and enrich them if necessary. The analysis continues only once data quality has been assured.
We perform statistical analysis that takes into account salaries publicly and privately offered by companies, salary expectations from qualified candidates, and salaries from hired candidates.
From this analysis, we obtain salary tendencies for the observed period and perform benchmarks and breakdowns by industry, skills, headcount, remote modality, among others.
Insights Pro is a recommendation service, rather than an analysis one. This means that we identify the optimal values to which the market is responding, instead of merely reporting trends from the past. We use the exploratory data analysis as a starting point to identify the salary range to which most of the market has responded in recent months, and from that range, we extract retention and acquisition values.