Finding talent for your company can be tough. Managing candidates, while ensuring you identify the highest potential, is a huge challenge for recruiters.
That's why we created Superpower, our AI layer 🪄.
With Superpower, extra features are added to your Get on Board subscription to help you identify potential talent faster and filter through hundreds of candidates instantly and without bias.
This way, your recruitment team can focus on what truly matters, people.
Magical Job Posting Filler
Are you running low on inspiration to write a job ad? Hate filling out endless forms on job portals? Create a job ad in seconds and fill out all the form fields with just one click.
Copy a short text of your job ad, and Superpower will format and enrich the ad automatically in seconds, taking into account your company's information.
Magic Job Post Filler
Instant Questionnaires
Don't leave the pre-screening of your applicants to chance: a 15-minute screening call can turn into a 2-minute form. Instant questionnaires review the most relevant information from your job ad and automatically generate personalized questions with scores for both technical screening and recruiter perspective— the best of both worlds.
PS: If you decide to use the Quick Applications feature, this multiple-choice selection form will be added to the application fields ;).
Instant Questionnaries
Score Filters and Bulk Actions on Your Kanban Board
You've got your applicants and their responses; now work through the process quickly by using our score filters and bulk applicant selection. Save time by reviewing filtered profiles with conscious and bias-free criteria. Quickly reject or manage those who scored higher, and move forward with those who show the most potential for success.
Smart Application Summarizer
We summarize the most relevant details from each application into a text shorter than a tweet. Save time and take a quick glance at each candidate even before opening their application. Hover over an applicant and find out what's most relevant about their profile, specifically for that job, always from a recruiter's perspective. Intelligent Summaries
Some features coming soon:
Automatic candidate evaluation.
Enriched information on your applicants. Identify unique or relevant aspects of each profile.
(If any of these features sound particularly interesting or there's something else you'd like to be done "magically" when recruiting, you can answer this survey and be part of this product's roadmap).
And one more thing…
We've already launched the second edition of our Advanced Tech Recruitment Certification with limited slots. You can learn more about this initiative here or in our info session on September 13th.