💵 Anual salary for your jobs
Now, within the salary field you will be able to specify the gross monthly or annual salary for the position. When you choose to specify the gross monthly salary, you will only have to enter the salary range before the discounts required by law in each country.
If you have a subscription plan, you will be able to hide the salary in the public views of your jobs.
When selecting gross annual salary, you must enter the annual base salary for the position. This amount is mandatory. Optionally you can enter extra compensation, such as budgeted annual bonuses (variable), and non-monetary compensation, such as supplementary health insurance, coupons, subsidies, etc.
Once the amounts have been entered, you can select the option to show the annual or monthly salary; when choosing to show the monthly salary, you can also choose the number of salaries that make up the annual compensation (for example, in Peru or Uruguay there are 13 salaries per year, and although they are made in two payments, they belong to the same year).
Note that the net (or liquid) salary will no longer be specified, so you must consider the legal discounts of the countries in which you are hiring when specifying the salary.

🎖 Know the tech skills level of professionals
When searching for talent on Get on Board through the Talent Database, you will see that some professionals will have outstanding technical skills. These are self-reported by each professional within their profile, which will help you do more effective job hunting.
Professionals can add up to 10 technical skills in their profiles. For each one, they must specify their level of competence and can optionally add the URL to a certificate attesting to their knowledge.
If the professional added a certification that supports the skill, it will appear next to a medal icon (🎖 ).

🔓 Unlock professionals’ information in Talent Database with your credits
When you perform a search in Talent Database, you will see a list of professionals that match the filters used. By clicking on each of them, you will see their professional and academic profile, but their contact information (email, social networks, etc) will remain blocked.
To access the contact information of each professional, you will have to unlock it using a credit of the fee according to your subscription. Once unlocked, you will have access to their information for up to 1 year and you won't need to use another credit to invite them to apply for your jobs.
When you invite professionals to apply to your job from Talent Database, you can customize the subject and the message to send or use the default pre-filled ones.

🇬🇧 New English filter in Talent Database
We have improved your search for professionals in Talent Database, incorporating the English level filter, which will allow you to better segment your search for tech talent.
English levels correspond to the Common European Framework, from A1 to C2.

📊 Report with metrics in your email after closing a process
Now, when you close a process in Get on Board, you will receive an email with a complete report about your process with information such as the number of applicants, duration of the process, cost per applicant, number of matches, the response rate of messages, and average response time.

Closing a process is reversible; if your job is less than 3 months old, you can reopen it without consuming an extra quota of publications; but keep in mind that if the process is more than 30 days old and you do not have an active subscription, you will not be able to refresh its date.
🌎 More cities for your localized or hybrid jobs
By selecting the 'No remote option' or 'Hybrid' options, you will be able to select one or more cities for your job. Especially useful for companies that have offices in more than one country and are looking to hire talent for any of their headquarters.

🚚 By offering relocation assistance, your jobs will be listed in all countries.
When creating your Get on Board job you can select different benefits - or perks - to attract the best talent for your company.
When you select the 'Help with relocation' option, your job will be posted in all countries ( just like remote jobs), as professionals, no matter where they currently reside, will receive help from your company with visa processing and relocation.