According to our moderation policy, on Get on Board, every published job goes through a revision process by our editorial team

This might sound unfamiliar, given that there are not many other job sites that do this. Part of the success of Get on Board as a technology recruiting platform is that professionals trust our judgment when selecting and filtrating jobs. 

The review is careful and manual, and it occurs during business hours. This is the reason why a few hours may pass from the submission of the ad for publishing until it is approved and published by us. 

If we consider that the job requires changes, we will notify you by email about the reasons for these changes and some suggestions to improve the ad. 

The ad will appear in your dashboard labeled as "Needs changes" or "Rejected ads": 

Rejected ads

In such a case, you will need to make the suggested changes and resubmit your ad for its revision.

If you are not sure what needs to be changed in the ad, it is advisable to show the ad to a person outside the company or the position so that he/she can give you feedback. It is important to put yourself in the shoes of the professional who will apply for your job in order to write the ad in a clear and concise way (remember that not everyone knows your company and that defining the functions of the position is as important as or even more important than the requirements).

If you have any doubts about how to implement our suggestions for an ad, please get in touch with us via chat or send us an email at

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