By activating the email notifications of your job applications, you will be able to reply to the applicants' messages (sent from Get on Board) by replying in the same email, which will allow you to maintain an active and fluid communication with the candidates.
How to set your jobs' email notifications
Go to your dashboard and look for the job you want to track in your inbox. Expand the actions menu at the top right of your process and select the option "email settings" (see image 1).

Once you have selected the option you will see a modal where you can select if you want to receive a daily summary of the applications (option checked by default), or if you prefer to receive an individual email for each new application that arrives (this is the one you should check to bring your processes to your inbox).
You can also select who in your team will receive the job notifications. Note that each user can choose the type of notifications they wish to receive in their inbox (daily summary or each application) (See image 2).

Once you have configured your job emails, from your email account, you can set up filters to forward these emails to your own ATS or through some integration with Zapier or other software.
Remember that Get on Board has integrations with external ATS providers, such as Lever and Greenhouse (check how to integrate them here). This external integration is only available for Recruiter and Custom subscription plans.