How can I import applicants to my process?

We know that managing recruitment processes is not an easy job. Especially when you get external applications. That is why Get on Board allows you to import applicants manually, so you can keep your entire process in one place.

To do this, you can select the option 'Import candidates manually' in the Actions menu of your job (in your dashboard), or within your process dashboard, in the 'Applicants' column.

Import candidates from your process board

There are two ways to add applicants: sending the applicant's CV via e-mail, or uploading the CV, both must be in pdf format.
Once you send or upload the CV, the applicant will appear in the 'Applicants' column. In each imported applicant's card, you will be able to edit his/her data and leave comments and evaluations with scorecards.

You can also move them to different columns, just like you do with the applicants who applied within Get on Board. 

Import via e-mail or upload the candidate's resume

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