Get on Board is a hunting and recruiting platform (Applicant Tracking System or ATS) specialized in the technology sector, where you can find professionals from Latin America and the world.
- Publish selection processes especially aimed at professionals interested in the technology area (and other areas within tech companies).
You can post jobs for free once you have created your company account and unlock the jobs or sign up for a plan if you want to access your applicants' information.
- Search for applicants directly in our tech talent database (TDB).
Access over 500K tech professionals, searching by keywords, technologies, salary range, country, and more.
- Use our integrated Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to manage your selection processes, contacting, filtering and evaluating candidates.
Don't overpay! Get on Board gives you access to all the benefits offered by other ATSs in the market, but at a fair price.
- Organize your recruitment work together with your team
In Get on Board there is no limit to the number of users per company... you can add as many people as you want within your team, assign roles and create work groups to help you keep a better order of your processes.