Get out exclusive Latam salary and job market trends (Q1 2024)

Get the employment trends for the first quarter of 2024
Get on Board presents you with the latest trends in the IT job market in Latin America. The data we present in this report is exclusive to our platform, updated to the first quarter (Q1) of 2024.
In this report you will learn:
  • How are candidates reacting to the return to the office that many companies are promoting post-pandemic?
  • Which categories are rising the most in hiring? Which ones are declining? What does this information tell us about the technological ecosystem in Latin America?
  • Which technology areas need more candidates? Which ones face an oversupply of talent?
  • How have salaries moved so far in 2024?
How we achieve such fresh data
You won't find reports with data as fresh as what Get on Board offers you. This is because Get on Board is a recruitment platform where selection processes are managed directly, thanks to our ATS software and the tools we offer candidates to discover and apply for jobs.
This same fresh and exclusive data is what we make available to you for more than 120 IT positions in our Insights Pro reports.

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