Help & Support - Subscription Plans & Payment

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Subscription Plans & Payment

What happens once my subscription plan has expired?

How do I cancel an automatic subscription?

Where can I check the renewal date of my subscription plan?

How long does it take to activate a subscription plan?

How do I add my company data to the invoice?

What can I do if I did not complete my billing information when I paid my subscription?

Why is a VAT (IVA) tax charged on my Get on Board purchase?

How can I get an invoice after subscribing to a plan?

Can I pay an annual subscription in installments?

Do you have monthly subscription plans?

Can I interrupt a subscription before the end of the period?

What if I buy a plan and then want to upgrade?

Where can I access my invoices or proof of purchase?

What happens if my card payment is rejected when my subscription is renewed?

What happens when I cancel the automatic renewal of a subscription?

When do benefits become effective after switching to a larger plan?

Why should I choose a subscription plan?

What's the difference between buying a Boost and buying an unlock?

Do subscriptions renew automatically or do I have to pay again manually?

How is the apportionment calculated for switching to a larger plan?

Why can't I automatically switch to a lower plan?

What are the benefits of subscription plans?

What happens if I pay a Boost or unlock and the ad is not successful?

Do I have to pay to post jobs on Get on Board?

I need a refund on my purchase. How do I do that?

What is an unlock or purchase a publication?

What payment methods can I use in Get on Board?