To request a refund of your purchase, please write to explaining the reason for the return (this is very important for us to continue improving) and including proof of payment of the purchase you wish to return. After receiving your request, our team will analyze and assess the case, which may be approved or rejected according to different reasons.
If your case is approved and the refund becomes effective, there are some important points to keep in mind:
- For payments made by credit card or PayPal, the money will take approximately 5 working days to be reflected back on your card statement. Please note that these times are the responsibility of the card processing company, not ours.
- If you request the return of an individual unlock, the job will be unpublished and blocked again, and you will lose access to the applicants' contact details.
- If you request a refund of Boost, you will have to wait for Boost to be deactivated (which happens automatically after 14 days). This is because Boost invitations are sent by mail and in some cases, professionals may be slow to respond.
- If you have purchased an annual subscription, you have 30 days from the date of payment to request a full refund of your purchase.
Some reasons for which refunds may be refused:
- The job is in violation of our moderation policies and/or our seniority policies. Â
- The job has writing problems, and is unattractive to professionals, for example, it offers an uncompetitive salary for the position, does not offer benefits, does not mention in detail the functions of the position, has a little description of the company, has excessive requirements, among others.Â
- The job originally published does not correspond to the current job (e.g. it was published as Graphic Designer and then it was edited to Front-End Developer).
- The job is looking for a 'unicorn' profile or is a difficult position to recruit for (e.g. senior profiles that are highly competitive).